Monday, October 27, 2008

Damn Zombies!

Well one thing is for sure, this zombie stuff is really under way. It's been a week from the day of this post, and I can tell ya it has almost gotten to the point where everyone just about is getting high ticked. Mind you, always a few griefers who think it funny, but I guess you can always find them and give them a good thrashing one way or the other!
I just made a new Horde toon, a Tauren shammy, whom I love very much, and leveling him in the Barrens has been a bit of a pain, what with NPCs dead and all, from zombie raids, and FP masters. :(
Ah, bored 70s are an annoyance to all... Um, killed the bordies one by one? :)

Hopefully the madness will be over before we know it, some say it's done come the End of Hallow's Eve, others say not until the release of WOTLK. Either way, it's all getting lame! Perhaps it goes until November after all, we shall see.

One thing for sure...the Lich King is going to deserve a proper beat down?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Getting ready for WOTLK?

When I first installed WoW, it was a dream come true! I've been playing games since the first consoles came out, and ironically enough, would play every game BUT RPGs... Was I nuts? I used to hate seafood too, and I remember the old man saying "yeah, but watch your tastes change as you get older..." Yes indeed Pops, righty-o you were :)
RPGs are now and ever will be my favorite by far, and have been since I was 12 years old. Cool worlds, nice fantasy layouts, long hours of questing...mmm...

And thenm it came...
Lot's of them are good, sure, but do they compare to WoW?
In my own opinion, Warcraft is a tough cookie to beat.


Are we ready? The release day is going to be absolutely nuts!

I imagine we'll have that wunderbar lag, the drag, loot issues, the whole kaboodle. Bloody hell. Is your toon ready? Or are you like me, in the very midst of leveling a new one and getting him geared to 70 in order to take on the North?
I have too many characters actually, I wish they'd let you add more :(

And the Death Knight... well, although I'm loyal very much to two of my characters, and since have tried them all.. well, you bet I'll be trying this one out. Shall I just make an even newer toon and at lv 55ish turn him into the DK? Time will tell!
It will be fun to launch a raid in Icecrown and everywhere else (can we kill the walruses too?)in Northrend, but I can only imagine the general traffic in quests at first will be quite massive. Hey boy! Share the mobs!
Well, what do we expect?
Lv 80 is going to rock!
The 70 cap is a nice achievement, not to doubt, but the new continent will offer some new challenges (and a few elsewhere in Azeroth, no?) in order to see us to 80!
Less than a month to go, can't wait!